CARBON CAPTURE: Attracted by lucrative federal tax credits and the promise of reducing emissions while adding more gas plants, Georgia Power drills boreholes in rural Georgia to test sites’ suitability for carbon capture and sequestration. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

COAL: The Sierra Club sues West Virginia regulators over a 2021 order for Appalachian Power to operate its coal plants at a 69% capacity factor, arguing they overstepped their authority. (West Virginia Public Broadcasting)

GRID: Researchers say the addition of new solar and battery resources has bailed out the standalone Texas grid this summer amid high temperatures and growing demand from data centers and crypto miners. (NPR)


ELECTRIC VEHICLES: A company based in the United Kingdom announces it will invest $8 million into a Virginia factory to make hand-built electric classic sports cars. (Danville Register & Bee)

NUCLEAR: The Tennessee Valley Authority approves another $150 million to develop small modular nuclear reactors in eastern Tennessee. (Bloomberg, subscription) 



TRANSITION: A group works to treat water flowing from abandoned mine portals to improve the ecology and recreational potential of a creek near a West Virginia college town. (West Virginia Public Broadcasting)

CLEAN ENERGY: A North Carolina State University researcher investigates using plants growing in acid mine drainage to source rare earth elements for clean energy technology. (WUNC)


  • The Tennessee Valley Authority board approves an increase in wholesale power rates based on higher inflation, higher interest rates, and growing electricity demand to accommodate data centers, electric vehicles and population growth. (Chattanooga Times Free Press)
  • Louisiana regulators approve two Entergy settlements that raise energy prices while returning millions to customers over claims the company overcharged customers as it mismanaged a nuclear power plant in Mississippi. (WWNO)


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Mason has worked as a journalist since 2001, covering Appalachian communities and the issues that affect them. He compiles the Southeast Energy News digest. Mason previously worked as a wildlife biologist before moving into journalism by freelancing at Coast Weekly in Monterey, California, before taking an internship in 2001 at High Country News. He wrote for the Enterprise Mountaineer in western North Carolina and the Roanoke Times in western Virginia before going freelance in 2012. His work has appeared in Southerly, Daily Yonder, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, WVPB’s Inside Appalachia and elsewhere. Mason was born and raised in Clifton Forge, Virginia, and now lives with his family and a small herd of goats in Floyd County, Virginia.