CARBON EMISSIONS: Carbon emissions from the world’s energy producers in 2014 did not increase for the first time in 40 years, according to the International Energy Agency. (New York Times)

• The UN organization in charge of global climate negotiations has backed the call for fossil-fuel divestment to signal companies, “especially coal companies, that the age of ‘burn what you like, when you like’ cannot continue,” said a spokesman. (Guardian)
• Shareholders have flooded fossil fuel companies with demands for low-carbon strategies and climate-change risks. (InsideClimate News)
• Divest Harvard plans a week-long campaign of teach-ins, sit-ins and “mass civil disobedience” aimed at forcing Harvard to divest nearly $80 million away from fossil fuels. (Boston Magazine)

EPA: At least four states have introduced model legislation from a Koch-affiliated group to prohibit state funding for EPA efforts to fight climate change. (ThinkProgress)

SOLAR: Critics of an Arizona public utility’s decision to charge higher fees to solar customers accuse the company of “profiting” from the solar power it gets from rooftops. (Arizona Republic)

WIND: Iowa State engineers are exploring adding a smaller, secondary rotor to wind turbines to save the 8 to 40 percent of energy production lost by current designs. (Alternative Energy News)

COAL: The Kentucky Coal Association is asking an appeals court to block TVA plans to shut down two coal-fired units in western Kentucky. (Greenwire)

RAILROADS: It remains to be seen whether the new growth of U.S. railroads, intertwined as it is with growth of energy production, is a force for cutting carbon emissions or adding to them. (The Daily Climate)

OIL PIPELINES: While the Keystone XL project awaits a final decision, the U.S. has quietly added more than 11,600 miles of pipeline to the domestic oil network. (Associated Press)

TRANSPORTATION: City buses are morphing into giant battery-powered rolling computers equipped with the same technologies as the luxury Tesla sedan. (National Geographic)

PACIFIC NORTHWEST: As the warmest winter in Oregon and Washington state since the Dust Bowl gives way to spring, officials in both states will soon decide whether to declare water emergencies. (ClimateWire)

SEATTLE: A lease allowing Royal Dutch Shell to bring its Arctic Ocean drilling rigs to Seattle’s waterfront triggered revolt from a unanimous city council, the mayor and environmental groups. (New York Times)

COMMENTARY: A water scientist’s warning that California has only about a year’s worth of water left in storage should be a call for drastic action. (Los Angeles Times)

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